Tools & Packaging

Em Destaque


Deslize 100x140cm conjunto, 2 filmes

2 peças de filme anti-reflexo de polipropileno para porta-retratos e tampas de cliente em formato pôster de 100 x 140 cm, embaladas em conjunto em um tubo de transporte. UV estabilizado.
Price €6.80

Tool Boxes

Plastic toolbox

Toolbox with 3 models. Supports up to 120kg. Metal material (450x285x250mm)

Price €15.11


Reel trolley

Universal reel trolley for use with any type of tape. With wheels, it is fully maneuverable for winding in any work area. Fitted with a tray for accessories. Adjustable base core diameter. Suitable for roll widths up to 190 mm. Wheel diameter: 150 mm. Steel flap diameter: 610 mm

Price €356.40


Adhesive tape

Resistant, easy to cut, transparent. Adheres to any surface. For immediate fixing of light materials.

Price €4.03


Wide metal X-acto blade 18 mm.

Retractable with locking mechanism. With a wide, highly resistant, professional blade. Gray metal body. 18 mm wide blade. Length: 165 mm. Blister pack of 1.

Price €4.24


Packaging box - American

Folding box with four sides and a rectangular base that closes at both the bottom and top using 4 flaps.

Price €15.42

Tools & Packaging

Tools and equipment for professional use: stapling and gluing, etc.